
Advances in Pool Design, Technology and Safety Features

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Advances in Pool Design, Technology and Safety Features

My name is Barbara, and I want to welcome you to my blog. In this space, I want to focus on one of my greatest loves - swimming pools. As a kid, I loved splashing in the creek that ran behind our home, and in high school, I was on the swim team. Although I cannot swim as often as I like, I still love swimming and swimming pools. I love reading and researching and decided to create a blog devoted to advances in pool design as well as pool technology and safety features. Please take a look at these posts. Thanks!

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Three Steps To Ensure Your New Pool Is Constructed Before Summer

Spring is just around the corner in Australia, and that means only three months until the heat of summer arrives. As someone who is considering having a pool installed at their home, you are wondering when you need to start seriously thinking about this subject so the pool is constructed and put in place before the heat of summer arrives. Here are three tips you need to make sure you don't miss out on having a pool installed this year.

 Contact Pool Contractor Now

The number one step for ensuring you have a pool for summer is to make your decision about the pool contractor now before winter even ends. The minute that spring arrives and the temperature starts to climb, every other potential new pool owner is going to have the same thought about organising their pool installation. Reputable pool contractors book out months in advance, so you need to book them in now. By the time late spring/early summer rolls around, the waiting list for having a pool installed is long and it will not be completed before autumn arrives.

Decide On Pool Type

The second step after locking in a pool contractor is to finalise the type of pool you want. For example, a purpose-built inground pool takes longer to construct than buying a fibreglass shell that is simply lowered into the ground after the hole is dug. Therefore, if you plan to custom build a concrete pool then you are looking at two to three months for the construction time. A ready-made shell can be installed and running within a couple of weeks. You need to think about size, shape and location of pool equipment. These decisions must be made now because without this information, you cannot move onto step three.

Local Council Consent

Before the pool can be installed, you may need to get local council consent. For example, the Brisbane City Council requires building approval for new pools and their fencing. This approval is obtained through a building certifier that ensures your proposed pool ticks all the boxes for both the Building Act 1975 and Building Regulation 2006. However, they need the details of the pool before they can obtain the consent for you.

The sooner you take step one listed above, the better your chances of having the pool installed, working correctly and swimmable in time for summer, which is sure to keep every member of your family cool and happy. Reach out to your pool construction professional today.