
Advances in Pool Design, Technology and Safety Features

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Advances in Pool Design, Technology and Safety Features

My name is Barbara, and I want to welcome you to my blog. In this space, I want to focus on one of my greatest loves - swimming pools. As a kid, I loved splashing in the creek that ran behind our home, and in high school, I was on the swim team. Although I cannot swim as often as I like, I still love swimming and swimming pools. I love reading and researching and decided to create a blog devoted to advances in pool design as well as pool technology and safety features. Please take a look at these posts. Thanks!

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3 Advantages Of Infinity Pools

Infinity pools are reminiscent of tropical resorts and unbound luxury, but they aren't just for holidaymakers to enjoy. If you've decided to have a swimming pool built on your property, have you considered opting for an infinity pool? These pools create the illusion that the water flows beyond the pool and far into the distance, and they do so using the same amount of space required for a standard swimming pool. The illusion is created with the aid of a small catchment basin below the edge of the pool, and the water is cycled from the catchment basin back into the main pool. Here are three advantages of infinity pools for you to consider.

They Can Be Installed On Sloping Ground

If your property is on a slope, constructing a traditional swimming pool will require a significant amount of excavation and the end result may seem a little out of place and at odds with the natural environment. Infinity pools can be installed easily in sloped yards, as the negative edge, which is the term used to describe the edge that gives the illusion of flowing water, merges seamlessly with the natural landscape. Less excavation is required when installing this type of pool on a slope and having it on a slope can even enhance the experience of swimming in an infinity pool, as you're better placed to take advantage of the views on the horizon.

They Require Less Maintenance

In addition to a catchment basin, infinity pools have water collection troughs at each side to capture water that flows over the edge. High-capacity pumps and filters run when the pool is in use and keep this water cycling back into the main pool. Any debris collects in the catchment basin, which makes it easy to skim out, and the frequent filtration of water keeps the pool clean and clear.

They Improve The Aesthetic Of Your Property

Opulent and sophisticated, an infinity pool has the ability to set your home apart from the other properties in your neighbourhood. Their stylish design can improve the aesthetic of your property and make your property more attractive to prospective buyers if you decide to sell. If you'd like to know how much an infinity pool could add to the value of your property, consult a real estate agent with local area experience.

Infinity pools are fun and perfect for relaxing in at the end of a long day. If you'd like more information about infinity pools or if you'd like a quote for building one on your property, contact a local infinity pool builder.