
Advances in Pool Design, Technology and Safety Features

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Advances in Pool Design, Technology and Safety Features

My name is Barbara, and I want to welcome you to my blog. In this space, I want to focus on one of my greatest loves - swimming pools. As a kid, I loved splashing in the creek that ran behind our home, and in high school, I was on the swim team. Although I cannot swim as often as I like, I still love swimming and swimming pools. I love reading and researching and decided to create a blog devoted to advances in pool design as well as pool technology and safety features. Please take a look at these posts. Thanks!

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3 Ways to Lower the Energy Consumption of Your Home's Pool Pump

Pool pumps consume a lot of energy as they circulate water throughout the system. They have to run at least every 24 hours to ensure proper water balance and prevent pool problems. Therefore, switching a pump off to save energy is counterproductive in the long run. So how do you reduce the running costs of the pump without compromising on performance or water quality? Here are a few tips to follow.

Keep your water clean and balanced

A pool pump's primary role is to create a flow of water and circulate chemicals throughout the pool. During circulation, the water undergoes filtration, chlorination, sanitisation and heating. When the water isn't clean, the pump works harder to filter and remove the debris. As a result, it consumes a lot of energy.

Keep your pool clean and balanced at all times to reduce the pump's running costs. With a clean pool, the pump won't need to filter the water constantly. When there's a chemical balance, the pump won't undergo many cycles. Additionally, you can run the pool for only a few hours every day and reduce energy costs.

Buy energy-efficient motors

Pump motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. They power the impeller and allow the pump to run. As a result, they play a significant role in determining the energy efficiency of the entire pump. Traditional motors with no energy-efficiency features consume a lot of power during operation. As a result, they significantly increase the annual running costs of the pump.

If you're getting new pump motors, go for energy-efficient ones. These are designed to consume less power during operation. Variable speed motors have different speeds and consume only the amount of energy required to run the pool at a specific time. When the pool is not in use, they consume less power. An energy-efficient motor can significantly reduce the power consumption of your pump.

Invest in a variable-speed or dual-speed sump

Single-speed pumps have only one speed. You cannot adjust the flow rate of the water through the circulation system. Therefore, the pump will consume the same amount of power when circulating water at all times. Since you have to run the pool daily, this can cost you a lot of money in the long run.

Variable-speed and dual-speed pumps have more than one setting. Variable speed pumps usually come with up to eight speeds, and they are programmed to achieve a suitable filtration rate without consuming too much energy. Dual-speed pumps have a low- and high-speed setting, allowing you to adjust the flow rate. As a result, you can run the pump at low speeds and save power.

Follow these tips to lower the energy consumption of your pool pump. Talk to a pool contractor for pool pump repair and replacement services.