
Advances in Pool Design, Technology and Safety Features

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Advances in Pool Design, Technology and Safety Features

My name is Barbara, and I want to welcome you to my blog. In this space, I want to focus on one of my greatest loves - swimming pools. As a kid, I loved splashing in the creek that ran behind our home, and in high school, I was on the swim team. Although I cannot swim as often as I like, I still love swimming and swimming pools. I love reading and researching and decided to create a blog devoted to advances in pool design as well as pool technology and safety features. Please take a look at these posts. Thanks!

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5 Essential Safety Accessories You Need to Make Your Pool Safe for Children & Pets

If you are installing a pool and you have children, you should invest in some accessories to help them stay safe. These features can also be important for pets or neighbourhood children who may wander into your pool area. Here are five key items you should consider:

1. Pool Fencing

If you are installing a pool anywhere in Australia, a fence is not optional. You are required to have a sturdy fence around the perimetre of your pool. The exact rules vary from state to state, so you should check the laws in your area. Most pool contractors or fencing professionals are familiar with them.

However, in most cases, the fence needs to be 1.2 metres high, and scalable objects should be kept well away from it. In some cases, the fence needs to be four sided, meaning you cannot have direct access from the house to the pool.

2. Door Alarms

If you are in an area where you aren't legally required to have a four-sided fence, some of the doors in your home may lead directly to the pool. In these cases, if you have a child in your home, you should install a security alarm on your door. You can set most security alarms so that they sound a beep when someone walks through the door, and that can alert you if a toddler or young child starts to wander into the pool area.

3. Pool Alarm

Whether you have a door alarm or not, you should consider installing a pool alarm. These gadgets attach to the side of your pool, and they sense its water levels. If a child or an animal gets into the pool, the water levels rise slightly, and that triggers the alarm. Most pool alarms make a noise from the alarm itself, but they also come with a remote device.

You should install that in a central point in your home so that if it goes off you can hear it. Note that most pool alarms only respond to a certain weight, and items weighing less than that amount will not be detected. Make sure that the sensitivity you choose works with the weight of your children or dogs. For example, if you have a very small dog, you may need a more sensitive pool alarm than someone with large dogs or children in primary school.

4. Safety Cover

The cover you choose is also important. For ultimate safety, you want a cover that locks to the edges of your pool when it closes. This prevents anyone from slipping into the pool between the cover and the side of the pool. Additionally, you need a pool cover that can withstand weight. That way if anyone crawls or walks onto the cover, they won't sink down into the water. A safety cover is essential, and without one, you risk the chance of someone getting into the pool and becoming trapped under the cover.

5. Life Rings

Finally, in the event that someone starts drowning in your pool, you need safety devices that can help you rescue them. Ideally, you need life rings and a reaching pole. These tools allow you to help a drowning victim stay afloat and reach the side of the pool. Even if you are an exceptional swimmer and you are confident that you could jump in and save your children or pets, you should still have these tools. They may be essential, especially if you are not home and someone else needs to stage a rescue. Ideally, these items should be hung in a highly visible spot so that even a stranger to your pool can easily see them and utilise them as needed.

To learn more about these and other pool necessities, contact companies like Atlantis Pools.